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A systematic overexpression approach reveals native targets to increase squalene production in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803


Cyanobacteria are a promising platform for the production of the triterpene squalene (C30), a precursor for all plant and animal sterols, and a highly attractive intermediate towards triterpenoids, a large group of secondary plant metabolites. Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 natively produces squalene from CO2 through the MEP pathway. Based on the predictions of a constraint-based metabolic model, we took a systematic overexpression approach to quantify native Synechocystis gene’s impact on squalene production in a squalene-hopene cyclase gene knock-out strain (Δshc). Our in silico analysis revealed an increased flux through the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle in the Δshc mutant compared to the wildtype, including the pentose phosphate pathway, as well as lower glycolysis, while the tricarboxylic acid cycle predicted to be downregulated. Further, all enzymes of the MEP pathway and terpenoid synthesis, as well as enzymes from the central carbon metabolism, Gap2, Tpi and PyrK, were predicted to positively contribute to squalene production upon their overexpression. Each identified target gene was integrated into the genome of Synechocystis Δshc under the control of the rhamnose-inducible promoter Prha. Squalene production was increased in an inducer concentration dependent manner through the overexpression of most predicted genes, which are genes of the MEP pathway, ispH, ispE, and idi, leading to the greatest improvements. Moreover, we were able to overexpress the native squalene synthase gene (sqs) in Synechocystis Δshc, which reached the highest production titer of 13.72 mg l-1 reported for squalene in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 so far, thereby providing a promising and sustainable platform for triterpene production.

Original publication

Germann AT, Nakielski A, Dietsch M, Petzel T, Moser D, Triesch S, Westhoff P and Axmann IM (2023) A systematic overexpression approach reveals native targets to increase squalene production in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Front. Plant Sci. 14:1024981.


Copyright © 2023 Germann, Nakielski, Dietsch, Petzel, Moser, Triesch, Westhoff and Axmann. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Data availability

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

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subgraph Studies
subgraph study\*Synechocystis*
s1(*Synechocystis* mutants)---pr1>growth]-->cl1(mutant cultures)

subgraph study\Englund-2014
nz1(Pia Lindberg)---pr9>gift]-->nz2(plasmid pEERM4 Cm)

subgraph study\PlasmidAndStrainConstruction
nz2---pr10>cloning of genes]-->s2(Plasmid Constructs)
nz3(replicative plasmid pSHDY)---pr11>cloning of rhamnoze activator]-->s3(plasmid for promoter induction)
s2---pr12>transformation of *Synechocystis*]

subgraph study\KnoopAndSteuer-2015
nz4(Ralf Steuer)---pr15>send]-->nz5(extended version of a genome-scale stoichiometric network model of *Synechocystis*)

subgraph Assays
subgraph assay\AbsorptionSpectraAndODMeasurements
cl1---pr2>measurement of Absorption Spectra and OD]-->d1(Absorption Spectra and OD values)

subgraph assay\DCWMeasurements
cl1---pr3>measurement of DCW]-->d2(DCW values)

subgraph assay\PigmentQuantification
cl1---pr5>sampling and measurement of absorbance maximum]-->a2(Pigment Quantification)


subgraph assay\GC-MSMeasurementsForTheQuantificationOfSqualene
cl1---pr4>GC-MS measurement]-->a1(Quantification of Squalene)

subgraph assay\qPCR
cl1---pr6>RNA extraction]-->a3(RNA)---pr7>cDNA synthesis]-->a4(cDNA)---pr8>qRT-PCR]-->a5(qRT-PCR results)

subgraph assay\cPCR
s1---pr13>cPCR]-->a6(cPCR results)---pr14>gel electrophoresis]-->a7(gel results) 

subgraph assay\MetabolicModeling
nz5---pr16>metabolic modeling and simulations]-->a8(amplification targets)---pr10

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