## Dissection of main shoot apices (MSAs) to score the reproductive development of plants
Scoring of the development according to the Waddington Stage (Waddington et al., 1983).
Scoring of the MSA development of BW, BW(*Ppd-H1*), BW(*eam7*), and BW(*Ppd-H1,eam7*) plants according to the Waddington Stage (Waddington et al., 1983).
**Study overview:**
input: BW, BW(Ppd-H1), BW(eam7), BW(Ppd-H1,eam7) grown under SD and LD
flowchart TD;
A[Bowman and introgression lines
in LD and SD] --> | MSA_dissection | B[Waddington stage by DAE];
A[Bowman and introgression lines
in LD and SD]--> | MSA_dissection | C[spikelet meristem number by W-Stage]
A[Bowman and introgression lines
in LD and SD]--> | MSA_dissection | D[floret number by W-Stage]
-> assay: MSA_dissection
output: - Waddington Stage by DAE
- spikelet meristem number by W-Stage
- floret number by W-Stage
Results can be found in Figure 1C-E, Supplemental Figure S1 and Supplemental Table S1.