Explore ARCs
A prototypic ARC that implements all specification standards accordingly
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Algae cultures were grown mixotrophically (TAP). After 24h of 35°C/40°C the cells were shifted back to room temperature for 48h. 'omics samples were taken.
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"QUINOA DIVERSITY- Quinoa Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity for Yield and Composition"
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RNA seq from Solanum lycopersicoides plants, performed for the manuscript entitled "A Solanum lycopersicoides reference genome facilitates insights into tomato specialized metabolism and immunity."
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Mapping the castor bean endosperm proteome revealed a metabolic interaction between plastid, mitochondria, and peroxisomes to optimize seedling growth
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Physiology, biochemistry and anatomy of young fully developed leaves from Brassicaceae species with C3 and C3-C4 (C2) photosynthesis
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A systematic overexpression approach reveals native targets to increase squalene production in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
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This ARC presents diverse data from MibiNet members to illustrate the application of MibiNet-specific SWATE templates and showcase examples of metadata annotation.
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A GH81-type β-glucan-binding protein enhances colonization by mutualistic fungi in barley
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Sugar transporters spatially organize microbiota colonization along the longitudinal root axis of Arabidopsis
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Genome sequencing of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
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